
论文题目 第一作者 发表年度 刊物名称
Effects of Individual Amino Acids on the Blood Circulation of Biosynthetic Protein Nanocages: Toward Guidance on Surface Engineering LIANG A 2023 ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS
Local 5-HT signaling bi-directionally regulates the coincidence time window for associative learning ZENG JZ 2023 NEURON
Structural Basis of the Interaction between Human Axin2 and SIAH1 in the Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling Pathway CHEN LQ 2023 BIOMOLECULES
Architecture of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus SUN ZX 2023 PROTEIN & CELL
GxcM-Fbp17/RacC-WASP signaling regulates polarized cortex assembly in migrating cells via Arp2/3 LI D 2023 JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY
Comparing T- and B-cell responses to COVID-19 vaccines across varied immune backgrounds CUI Z 2023 SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION AND TARGETED THERAPY
Menin, the COMPASS to locate H3K79 dimethylation ZHOU QC 2023 SCIENCE BULLETIN
Capture RIC-seq reveals positional rules of PTBP1-associated RNA loops in splicing regulation YE R 2023 MOLECULAR CELL
RNA Pol II preferentially regulates ribosomal protein expression by trapping disassociated subunits LI YJ 2023 MOLECULAR CELL
A dog carrying mutations in AVP-NPII exhibits key features of central diabetes insipidus XU HJ 2023 JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND GENOMICS