
论文题目 第一作者 发表年度 刊物名称
SIRT2 counteracts primate cardiac aging via deacetylation of STAT3 that silences CDKN2B YE YX 2023 NATURE AGING
SIRT2 counteracts primate cardiac aging via deacetylation of STAT3 that silences CDKN2B YE YX 2023 NATURE AGING
A mitochondrial pentatricopeptide repeat protein enhances cold tolerance by modulating mitochondrial superoxide in rice ZU XF 2023 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
Myoglobin-loaded gadolinium nanotexaphyrins for oxygen synergy and imaging-guided radiosensitization therapy MA XT 2023 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
Structural and functional investigations of syn-copalyl diphosphate synthase from Oryza sativa MA XL 2023 COMMUNICATIONS CHEMISTRY
Integration of FUNDC1-associated mitochondrial protein import and mitochondrial quality control contributes to TDP-43 degradation MA JF 2023 CELL DEATH & DISEASE
Pulvinar Response Profiles and Connectivity Patterns to Object Domains WEN HJ 2023 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE
Seeing the T cell Immunity of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV: Believing the Epitope-Oriented Vaccines YUE C 2023 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Diatomic iron nanozyme with lipoxidase-like activity for efficient inactivation of enveloped virus LI BB 2023 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
CENP-I directly targets centromeric DNA to support CENP-A deposition and centromere maintenance HU LQ 2023 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA